In Progress: Crochet Owl Blanket
There’s an owl that lives in the woods outside my home. He comes and goes at various points throughout the year, but he always returns, and sometimes he has scared the living daylights out of me. There have been plenty of nights, when the kids are asleep and I’m sitting in the dark that I’ll hear some little creature screech and hear loud wing flapping and then for the next minute or so, it sounds like some terrible fight is taking place. But there’s never any evidence in the morning, even though when i go out looking, I half expect to find mangled, horrific remains from the sounds of the struggle. But it is likely just this little owl who does his nocturnal hunting and then returns to his nest to hoot through the night.
This crochet owl blanket has shown up in my Pinterest feed so many times, and I’ve favorited it, saved it, marked it. But with the advent of this new little one on the way (and coming soon, I might add!), I was inspired enough to start a new blanket for her (yes, it’s a her!). I love the rainbow colors of the original blanket – I think it was made with KnitPicks’ Chroma? But the color scheme was a bit too close to my Little Hearts Scrapghan (the eternal work in progress), so I decided when selecting my colors for this project to do something a little less bright. So naturally for a crochet owl blanket – I decided to go through all my woodland colors and find a nice blend of earthy yarns.
I ended up going with Vanna’s Choice colors, with a couple of outliers and lot of discontinued colors. Mustard, taupe, kelly green, fern green, olive green, terra cotta, beige, and honey are all from the current VCFC line. The dark brown is the discontinued espresso color, and of course, my favorite discontinued color of all, pea green, makes its appearance as well. The light brown is a mystery yarn that is the same weight as the VCFC line, but I honestly don’t know where it came from, only that I found it in my stash and it went well with the color scheme.
The link to the crochet owl blanket pattern can be found here in the etsy shop TheHatandI. It’s called “Owl Obsession” and is (currently) $5.99. If you’re a novice crocheter, the pattern is filled with photos and details on how to make the blanket, so it’s a decent project. I made some modifications myself just out of personal preference, such as skipping the back loop only through the octogons, and modifying the way the ears were made just to make things a little more in the shape I want it. Of course that left me with a bunch of ears that need to be tacked down, so that’s one of the things I’ll be working on as I finish this up But overall, I’m quite pleased with the results.
Anyway, this etsy shop is amazing, and no, I’m not getting paid to say this, lol! It’s hardly just the crochet owl blanket – I love the selection of patterns, the colors, and the creativity involved in them – like, cute little turtles next to the ocean? What’s not to love? These are some others patterns from the same shop that I have in one queue or another that I do hope to make one day – check out the patterns for sale if you like:
Clockwise from top left: Cat Lover Blanket, Crayon Box Blanket, Follow Your Heart Crochet Blanket, Twist Top Beanie, and Turtle Bay Blanket.

The Hat and I Etsy shop
And as for my own owl blanket, I have a little bit of work left. I have to finish up the half octagons for the side and get a border on there – I’m not certain which border I might use yet, but I have some ideas. But it will definitely be ready in time to wrap my little bundle up in some love!
~Mellie ★
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