Finishing up 2015 Crochet – Part 2
Okay so my “tomorrow” is a little late in getting this post out. But in my defense, we’ve had such beautifully unseasonable weather that I spent the whole weekend outdoors in the sunshine with my children and my garden. Here in the Midwest, it’s not unusual for us to have a foot of snow on the ground mid-April.
Anyway, these are the final completed squares for the 2015 bamcal. I do plan on putting them all together in a more comprehensive chart, but for now, they’ve all been photographed and are ready for assembly.

Around the Posts Crochet Square
This first set of 6″ squares is called “Around the Posts” by Shelley Husband. There’s a great, detailed and free photo tutorial of the square that can be found here. This was the 6″ square that was selected for November 2015. I actually made this square once before, when I was randomly searching through Ravelry’s newer patterns. It was still just as satisfying to make as the first time.

Around the Posts Crochet Square
And finally, this square is called “Walking on Sunshine” by another fabulous crochet square designer, Funny dieBarbarin (and you can check out all those designs here). This one specifically, though, was the main square selection for November 2015, and it was another square that I took a lot of extra effort with to turn out the way I envisioned. It’s obviously supposed to be a sunshine motif, but I did my best to turn it into a flower, complete with leaves around the edges. It’s full of texture and interesting techniques, so if you’re looking for a challenge, do check it out. The free pattern can be found here as a Ravelry download.

Walking on Sunshine Crochet Square
And that wraps up the 2015 bamcal. I’ll gradually get these squares put together into a blanket – the first bamcal blanket that I’ve completed that I’m keeping for myself, too! But in the meantime, it’s back out into the sunshine I go … while it lasts!
Happy crocheting!
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