When it rains, it pours and pours and pours, doesn’t it?
We’ve had a sick little boy around here this week, who a) we can’t figure out what’s wrong with him, and b) we also think he had a reaction to a medication he was given to treat said mystery illness. It’s nothing serious, we hope, but he’s a bit miserable. And a miserable little boy makes for a miserable mommy. How I wish I could just take all his pain and discomfort off of him and onto me! It’s heartbreaking to watch. But I can’t, so in the meantime, I have been spending my time giving him as many cuddles as I can. We’ve gone out in the sunshine and read some fairy tales together as a family and he’s not quite so sick that he can’t still make a huge mess in the name of play. But as long as he’s smiling, I can take comfort in that.
We’ve also finally had our first real week of summer weather here. It’s been lovely to get outdoors and have the windows open each day as well. And even though my crochet projects are coming along much slower than anticipated, there is a long, hot summer ahead of me that will afford me plenty of time to catch up, amongst many other wonderful summer things. So today, after a checkup with our pediatrician, I promised the boys that I’d take them to the beach for some sand-castle building. And maybe I’ll bring along a little project to work on in the sand.
Till tomorrow, wish us well!
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