Vintage Crochet
There’s nothing more wonderful, I think, than finding a little piece of family history that you didn’t know existed. My mother brought over these vintage crochet pieces that she remembered from my great-grandmother’s house in the 1950s and asked if I’d like them. I told her there was probably no other person in our family who would appreciate them as much as I! How I wish I could sit down with a coffee and crochet a bit with my great-grandmother! I bet there would be a lot that I could learn from her.
The craftsmanship on these crochet pieces (which were used on the backs and arms of sofas and chairs) are amazing. It was created with cotton and a very tiny hook, I would guess somewhere in the 00 range. But besides a little yellowing and a couple of small holes, it’s held up remarkably well over the passage of time! I love filet work to begin with, and these are just so well constructed.
Now I have crocheted heirlooms from both of the great-grandmothers that were present in my childhood. What wonderful treasures.
~Mellie ★
*1 Comment*
These are very lovely. What a nice heirloom to have. My great-aunts crocheted and knitted, but when they passed all the textiles got lost in the shuffle. Hang on these and keep them safe :)